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Dawsen’s Mother

It has been 3 weeks since Dawson received stem cell therapy (he’s 5 years old).

At first Dawsen was quite grumpy for 3 days, then suddenly he slept for 13 hours. He never really slept more than 6-7 and no naps. He is now sleeping at least 9 hours a night.

He used to vomit 3 to 4 times a week, he has not vomited at all and it is clear that he is gaining weight. He makes eye contact now and is really happy. His potty training has improved and he seems to understand some of the things we tell him better.

The jumping in place and hand flapping has stopped. He says “hi” and makes a lot more sounds now. He smiles a lot! The dark circles that were around his eyes are gone.

Seems to be much more aware of people around him.

We will keep you posted over the next 5 months if there are more changes. Angels do God’s work! We will see you again soon!

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