Beverly Hills Microneedling Med Spa

Rejuvenate Your Skin, Call Now: (424) 382-1074.

Microneedling Treatment in Beverly Hills, CA

Welcome to R3 Anti-Aging Beverly Hills, your premier destination for microneedling and facial rejuvenation. As leading providers of microneedling in Beverly Hills, we offer customized treatments to address various skin concerns and help you achieve a more youthful, radiant complexion.


To schedule an appointment at our Beverly Hills microneedling med spa, call now at
(424) 382-1074

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy or percutaneous collagen induction, is a minimally invasive treatment that creates tiny punctures in the skin using fine needles. This stimulates the body’s natural healing process, resulting in increased collagen and elastin production.

Collagen and elastin are structural proteins that keep skin looking supple, firm, and youthful. As we age, our bodies produce less of these proteins, leading to issues like fine lines, wrinkles, dull skin tone, and texture. Microneedling aims to counteract these effects.

During a microneedling treatment, a specialized device with ultra-fine needles is gently rolled across the skin’s surface, creating minor injuries without damaging the epidermis. This triggers the body to dispatch collagen and elastin to heal these areas, plumping up skin in the process.


With new collagen formation, microneedling improves skin’s texture and tone, fades scars, minimizes pores, and refines wrinkles or fine lines over a series of treatments.


Rediscover vibrant, youthful skin with R3 Anti Aging Beverly Hills’ unparalleled microneedling treatments. Call us at (424) 382-1074.

How Does Beverly Hills Microneedling Work?

Microneedling works by creating tiny punctures in the outer layer of the skin using microneedles. These microscopic wounds trigger the body to produce new collagen and elastin – proteins that are essential for healthy, youthful-looking skin.


Here is a quick overview of how microneedling works:

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R3 Anti Aging Beverly Hills offers personalized microneedling to restore your natural glow. Call (424) 382-1074 now to book your consultation!

Microneedling Benefits

Some benefits of microneedling include:

In studies, microneedling has been shown to be an effective treatment for various cosmetic skin issues with high levels of patient satisfaction.

Microneedling can benefit men and women struggling with:


  • Mild to moderate wrinkles
  • Dull, uneven complexion
  • Enlarged pores
  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Stretch marks
  • Loose, sagging skin


Ideal candidates have noticed early signs of aging but do not have very deep wrinkles or severely sun-damaged skin.


During your consultation, we’ll assess your skin health, aesthetic goals and medical history to determine if you’re a good fit for microneedling.


Microneedling is safe for most skin types when performed properly. People with very sensitive skin, vascular conditions or a history of keloid scarring should opt for other treatments instead.


Let R3 Anti Aging Beverly Hills’ experts craft a customized microneedling plan to achieve your aesthetic goals. Call now: (424) 382-1074.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Some of the most popular treatment areas include:


  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks and thighs


Microneedling can address various skin imperfections on body parts that tend to show signs of aging.

Types of Microneedling Treatments

We offer three main types of microneedling:

Collagen Induction Therapy

This is traditional microneedling using a derma roller device with fine microneedles ranging from 0.25 mm to 2.5 mm long. The needle length and number of passes can be adjusted based on the treatment depth needed.


This method promotes new collagen growth by creating micro-injuries that penetrate deep into the dermis layer of the skin.

Microneedling Facial

For this enhanced facial treatment, we apply antioxidant, hydrating or brightening serums as the microneedling device rolls over skin. Instead of manual application, the micro-channels allow active ingredients to penetrate deeper and more effectively.

Using products like vitamin C, hyaluronic acid or growth factors amplifies microneedling’s rejuvenating and anti-aging benefits.

Microneedling with PRP

This combines traditional microneedling with an application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP contains concentrated growth factors and proteins that amplify healing.


Once micro-injuries from the microneedles trigger wound healing, PRP signals the body to ramp up collagen and elastin production even more.


R3 Anti Aging Beverly Hills offers needle-free options for incredible skin rejuvenation. Intrigued? Call (424) 382-1074.

What to Expect: Pre and Post-Treatment

  • Before your appointment, avoid blood thinning medications or supplements for optimal results and safety. Inform your provider of any health conditions as well.
  • The treatment area must be clean without lotion, makeup, oil or sunscreen applied. This allows needles to glide smoothly across the skin.
  • After microneedling, skin may be red, swollen, and sensitive for 12-48 hours. Use gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and SPF 30+ sun protection while healing.
  • Some pinpoint bleeding, bruising or scabbing may occur. Side effects typically resolve within a few days.
  • Avoid strenuous workouts, hot tubs or pools, facial treatments and sun exposure until the skin recovers.
  • For best results, commit to the recommended number of sessions based on your goals.

Why Choose R3 Anti-Aging for Your Microneedling Treatment?

With over 10 years of serving Beverly Hills clientele, our medical spa offers five-star microneedling treatments from certified aestheticians and cosmetic nurses.


Benefits of choosing us include:

  • Customized plans using state-of-the-art microneedling technology
  • The integrative wellness approach also addresses nutrition, hormones, and lifestyle
  • Warm, welcoming environment overseen by a female, naturopathic doctor
  • Convenient weekend and evening appointments
  • Commitment to your complete satisfaction from start to finish


See for yourself why R3 Anti-Aging Beverly Hills is considered one of the premier destinations for rejuvenating and transformative microneedling.


Our sought-after experts look forward to designing a customized plan to help you achieve your aesthetic goals and reclaim your skin’s natural glow!


Call (424) 382-1074 or request an appointment online to schedule your microneedling appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do microneedling results last?
With an appropriate series of treatments and proper skin care, results can last 1-2 years. Maintenance sessions every 6-12 months help sustain aesthetic improvements long-term.
Does microneedling hurt?

We apply a topical anesthetic to maximize comfort. Most patients tolerate the procedure well and report little to no pain, besides mild sensitivity.

How much does it cost per session in Beverly Hills?

Exact microneedling costs vary based on the areas treated, the size of the treatment area, the number of sessions purchased, and any enhancements selected.

During your free consultation, we provide detailed pricing information tailored to your specific needs.

What kind of results can I expect to see? How long until I see results?

Improvements are gradual over weeks and months as your body regenerates collagen. After an initial course of 3-6 sessions, patients notice significant improvements in skin texture, tone, firmness and glow.

What is the difference between microneedling and dermarolling?

Microneedling is the overall procedure while dermarolling refers specifically to using a handheld device studded with microneedles. This was one of the first microneedling tools but electronic pens that use stamping or vibrating motions are now more advanced options.

How is microneedling different from microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion involves spraying fine crystals on the skin to exfoliate the surface. Microneedling creates deeper micro punctures that stimulate collagen. However, both treatments improve skin texture and the appearance of scars, lines, etc. Microneedling is considered more effective.

How long does it take to recover from microneedling?

Most patients have redness and sensitivity for 2 to 4 days after microneedling. Avoiding sun, using gentle skin care and keeping the skin moisturized will help minimize any discomfort. Strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 24 hours.

Can microneedling be used on acne-prone skin?

Yes, microneedling improves acne scars and enlarged pores by stimulating collagen and skin turnover. However, active inflammatory acne should first be controlled with medications as microneedling can worsen breakouts. Consult your dermatologist to create a customized treatment plan.

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